Poetry to Refresh and encourage your heart.

Poetry has a way of clarifying  our thoughts and emotions. Poetry can enable us to see a truth we may not have seen clearly. God's Word says that we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2 KJV). Workmanship can actually mean poem. Our lives are poems that may reveal a truth to  or inspire others. Pastor Sammy has been inspired to write poems to crystallize Scriptures in a way that will bless and encourage  those who read them.. Our prayer is that those who read them will  be refreshed and gain a new perspective as  you serve Him.

The New and Living Way

Inspired by Hebrews 10:19-23

I come into Your presence

By a new and living way.

By the Precious Blood of Jesus

I will enter in today.

Yes, the Precious Blood of Jesus

Will speak for me today.

On the alter up in heaven

It has made for me the way.

Jesus entered in before me,

Into that Holy Place,

So that I can now come boldly

To obtain His special grace.

I come before You, Father

With my heart so full and free

And I thank You for the Precious Blood

That saves and cleanses me.

I stand up on the Blood!

No other price I bring,

By the Blood I shout the victory

And by the Blood I sing. 



Inspired by Galatians 4:5-7

When Almighty God, creator of all we see,

Wanted to reveal Himself to you and me,

He came to us from His throne in glory,

Wrapped in flesh to reveal His-story.

Jesus, Eternal Son, came out of the Father’s deep love,

His every word and deed revealed the Father’s Heart above

“If you have seen Me, You have seen the Father as well,”

 He wants you as His own, in love, with Him to dwell.

We were damaged and worthless; Sin’s hopeless slaves.

We were the walking dead staggering to our graves.

But, He redeemed us with His Precious, Holy Blood,

Washed us clean in that Pure, Crimson Flood.

Here is a wonder: sin slaves  adopted as His own sons,

Made part of His family and joint-heirs with the very One,

Who in love gave His life to set the sin slaves free.

This is exactly what He did for you and me.

He has sent the Spirit of Sonship into hearts made new,

That we might cry “Abba, Father” and to Him be true.

No longer slaves but sons, the Father’s very own,

May we ever live for Him and Him alone.

Come Fresh Wind

Come fresh Wind of the Spirit, breathe on my weary soul.

     Refreshing Billows fill me making me whole.

Holy Fire blaze within me burning all my chaff,

     Withering weeds of doubt and fear that may obscure my path.

Cleansing Rain soak my dry, parched earth,

    Causing Your holy Word seeds to give birth.

Pure Light flood me, all darkness to quell,

    May I, walking in that light, all fears dispel.

Holy Spirit, gentle and precious Heavenly Dove,

    Fill me to overflowing with Your gracious love. 

Yes, precious Holy Spirit, gracious Heavenly Dove,

    Fill me to overflowing with Your pure matchless love.

Growing Old

Growing old is not something that I want to think about.

If God wills and I live, it is something I will face, no doubt.

It is not just at the beginning that the race is won

But the ending when the miles have been run.

Too often when we consider growing old,

We wonder about retirement in terms of silver and gold.

Real life does not consist of treasures on this earth,

The quality of our life is not measured in net worth.

If my self-esteem is based on the things that I can do,

What happens to my value when my work through?

Will I despair when hands, arms and legs are no longer strong?

How will I feel when the things I do seem to take so long?

I really don’t like to think about what it will be like,

When the chimes of my final hours begin to strike.

If I am wise, I must consider how I want to be:

Angry and depressed, or happy, blessed, and free.

The seeds of God’s Word that I plant today in my heart,

Will grow the crop that I gather the days before I depart.

Now is the time to place my life, my time in the Father’s care,

So that the burdens of my old age He will surely bear.

It truly doesn’t matter that I don’t have world-wide fame.

My hearts desire is to be true to His precious Name.

I pray my life has made a difference for those I touch each day,

And that I have helped someone else along the way.

I am determined to grow old with beauty and with grace,

To find God’s peace and love in the challenges I will face.

I want the sweetness of His presence to flavor all that I do,

So there will be no bitter after taste when my life is through.

Hope: Wings and Roots

Hope is an amazing thing,

By it hearts are given wings.

It gives us courage as we pray,

Strengthens us for each new day.

Hope lifts us above daunting fear,

In sadness brings peace and cheer.

Hope roots us in God’s steadfast grace

We stand strong whatever we face.

Hope an anchor steadfast and sure,

Through Christ we shall endure.

Our hope reaches within the veil,

Where Jesus stands; we can not fail.

Give us mercy our Mighty King,

As our hearts hope in everything.


Inspired by 1 John 3:1-2

Just look at the love the Father has given,

I am now a son of God!

Dead to sin and alive in Jesus,

I am now a son of God!

By His Blood and by His mercy,

I am now a son of God!

I am born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood

I am now a son of God!

I am made in His image, after His likeness,

I am now a son of God!

An heir of God, a joint heir with Jesus,

I am now a son of God!

Filled with and led by His Holy Spirit,

I am now a son of God!

Born of God, I am a world over-comer

I am now a son of God!

When He comes I will be like Him,

I am now a son of God

I Believe In Jesus

I believe in Jesus the precious Son of God.

I believe He came and walked this lowly sod.

I never put my finger in the nail print in His hand.

I never saw Him make the cripple man to stand.


I never put my hand where the spear pierced His side.

I never heard, “Forgive them” when from the cross He cried.

I believe in Jesus though these things I did not see,

I know that He is alive and now lives inside of me.

Once I was without hope, dead in trespasses and sins,

Jesus cleansed me by His blood and gave me life within.

My friend, He loves you and for you He’ll do the same,

If in simple faith you call on Jesus’ precious name.

I Have Not Been Given A Spirit of Fear

I have not been given a spirit of fear, so why should I be afraid?

The foundation of my life on Jesus Christ is laid.

His love for me is so boundless, rich, and pure

It is because of His great love that I can and will endure.

When fear seeks to slither its way into my troubled mind,

Squeezing my thoughts, desiring my heart and faith to bind,

I choose, even with trembling lips, to boldly proclaim,

I am covered by the Blood, I’m free in Jesus’ Name!

I live in a fallen world and there is plenty to cause alarm,

But Jesus is with me so I will fear no harm.

Each day I must choose to walk by faith and not by sight,

Yes, I can by  Holy Spirit, not by my power or might.

I have been given Love, Power, and a strong healthy mind.

I will cast down any thoughts against God that I find.

I’m covered by the Blood, no other price I bring,

By faith to that nail pierce hand I will gladly cling

I stand fast in the liberty where with Christ has made me free.

Submitting to God, resisting the Devil and fear will surely flee.

I belong to Almighty God, He holds me in His hand.

I will not fear for I am surrounded by His powerful angel band.


Just Say, “No”

Have you realized how difficult it is just to be you?

There are so many things others want you to do.

Oh yes, high, noble, and honorable things,

Just think of all the glory they will bring.

If you are not ever mindful of the Father’s Plan,

Others will have you doing for them all that you can.

They don’t care if to God’s plan you are true,

They just want you in their pot and part of their stew.

Remember God has a purpose He planned just for you.

He has gifted you for what He wants you to do.

So listen to His Spirit and get in His flow,

And to those other voices just say, “NO”.

Life Is A Journey

Life is a journey – sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet.

As you let the Word of God direct your feet,

You can experience both His peace and His rest,

You can trust God to work in your life for the best.

Tomorrow awaits you, whether sunshine or rain,

You can trust God for His grace time and time again

God has a plan, a noble, happy life for you

He wants to bless you in all that your hands will do.

Though you may falter and occasionally fall,

Remember God’s love is there through it all.

Hold fast to your faith; keep your eyes on the Son,

So that you may live with Him when your journey is done.


My music is playing can you hear?

Cast off doubt and put away your fear.

Let me take you in My loving arms,

I’ll share with you heaven’s sweetest charms.

Place your hand firmly in Mine,

I'll lead you in a dance sublime.

Come My love, please don’t wait.

Dance with Me before it’s too late.

In every dance of beauty and grace,

One must lead and one must trace.

As I lead, you will feel My hand.

Will you follow My every command?

Like intimate lovers our steps will meld

As in My arms you are gently held.

Through life we will smoothly glide

As you willingly follow, I will guide.

Practice and patience will improve our dance.

Yes, you will know with just one glance,

The purpose and direction of My heart.

As you follow and do your part.

Yes, life is a heavenly dance,

A grand and beautiful Divine romance.

Moving in step with your heart's True Love,

Following His lead to your home above.


You are the true JOY in my heart

You are in me the living part

You supply my every need

Giving me both bread and seed

Yes, I am Your flesh and bone

Called to live for You alone

Called to be at Your side

Your beautiful, holy Bride

Precious Beloved, You are mine.

Brighter than the Sun do You shine

You are heaven’s matchless Treasure

Love and grace beyond measure.

I will be Your voice in the world

Your light against the darkness hurled.

A Life transformed, made brand new

A Life that is lived just for You.


The number of my days I do not know or when their end shall be.

I can not tell what tomorrow may hold or what the future will be.

I am given this day and only this, to live to its fullest measure.

What will I do with this day and where shall I lay up my treasure?

The choice is mine; its been given to me and so I must choose,

To run this race for the Victor’s Crown, to win and not to lose.

I can not run in my own strength and only You can show the way.

So grant me, Father, courage and wisdom for each and every day.

When I stand before You on that day when my race has been run,

May I hear You say with joy, “Well done, My son, well done!”

My Wife’s Eyes

I see my reflection in my wife’s eyes,

And what I see catches me by surprise.

Her eyes say that I’m courageous and strong,

That I will do what it takes no matter how long.

Her eyes say that I am clever and smart,

That I will finish well each task that I start.

Her eyes say that I have captured her heart,

And filled her with a love that will never depart.

With just a glimpse she captures me,

And I want to be the man that I see.

Some how those eyes have an amazing way,

Of inspiring me to be a better man everyday. 

With every noble effort that I can devise,

I want to be the man I see in my wife’s eyes.

Old Friendships

There are no friendships like friendships that are old.

They are more precious than silver or gold.

Friends that are tried and friends that are true,

Are Friends that stay with you in all you go through.

Your lives have been bonded by the experiences of time

Adversity’s furnace makes friendship, like gold, refined.

Real Friends that are from the heart are like no other,

They are the ones that are closer than a brother.


I love the morning when all is still

Just me and the Lord my heart to fill.

Before the demands of a brand new day

I receive fresh mercy as I pray.

Just to be still and know He is God

He will guide me with His staff and rod.

It is always amazing to see,

That eternal God has time for me!

He will surely meet with you as well

All your anxious doubts and fears to quell.

He is waiting very, very near

Yes, He is waiting your voice to hear.

He will speak, will you listen today?

Will you listen to what He will say?

The Potter’s Hand

The Potter knows the vessel He desires to make.

He understands exactly what it’s going to take.

He selects the clay digging it from earth.

He chose us as His clay even before our birth.

The clay is prepared by removing the debris.

This part of the process makes clay what it should be.

The Potter kneads and squeezes the clay,

To improve its consistency this is the only way.

We have experienced heartache and pain.

Our loving Potter means it all for our gain.

When the clay is ready He takes it to His wheel.

He will make it His vessel with His matchless skill.

Working the clay in the Potter’s skillful hands,

Forms a special vessel for use as He demands

The pot taken from the wheel is put aside to rest.

The Potter knows when the jar of clay will be at it’s best.

Then, just at the perfect time into the fiery kiln it goes,

Making it strong, ready to serve, just as the Potter knows.

Vessels are not quickly made that fill the Master’s plan.

It takes the skillful wisdom of the Potter’s loving hand.


Isaiah 64:8  But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.   (KJV)


In memory of Roe Vs. Wade, January 22, 1973

Tiny hands and tiny feet,

Lovely mouth with lips so sweet.


Will this child be a teacher,

A doctor, lawyer, or a preacher?

This could be the very one,

Who can do what must be done,

To change this sick, troubled world

Hope’s valiant flag to unfurl.

Growing in the mother’s womb

To live life or to meet doom.


Will abortion take this one,

Take from it the light of sun?

Gone the life with its promise

Do we know what we will miss?

God forgive this bloody land

Forgive by Your gracious hand.

For the innocent we speak

Giving our voice for the weak. 

No child ever is unplanned.

Fashioned by the Master’s hand.

Bitter Tears

The righteous are weeping bitter tears

amid the jubilant shouts and cheers,

Of those who murder the unborn

They celebrate as we morn.

Deception and lies darken the mind,

As evil cords the soul does bind.

This land is filled with discord and strife,

But God has a plan for each precious life.

Now a nation so divided,

Over a sin that has so blighted

The land with innocent blood,

Though for justice it once stood.

Yes, our eyes are filled with bitter tears

Amid the wicked shouts and cheers.

We weep for the millions yet unborn.

We weep for hearts so full of scorn.

Have mercy, Lord, our hearts cry,

For the innocents that will die,

But they will be gathered in angel arms,

Never again to face such evil harm.

We cry for those calloused hearts as well

That by their choice face a fiery Hell.

There darkness and pain never fade.

As to their account innocent blood is laid.


1976 - 2002

In Memory of our daughter, Frances Elisabeth, and the children’s home built in Guatemala in her memory.

Many years have come and gone

And yet, it doesn’t seem that long,

Since we heard your gentle voice,

That made our hearts rejoice.

So many years and there’s still tears,

Quite a few over the years.

But laughter sometimes comes as well

As memories we recall and tell.

Your life on earth was far too brief

 And our hearts still carry the grief.

Yet children who were all alone,

Have now found a loving home.

Casa Elisabeth a safe and loving place,

Children in crisis find Christ’s pure grace

This beautiful home stands because of you,

A legacy of your life and love so true.

Someday soon, we be together again,

And understand better God’s own plan.

Until then our hearts hold you near,

Bringing us memories that give us cheer.


Will This Be The Day

Will this be the day? Oh, that glorious day,

When the Lord will come to take His Bride away!

The Lord shall descend with a mighty shout,

As the trumpet sounds He’ll call His people out!

The bodies of the dead in Christ shall be the first to rise,

Then we who are alive will meet them in the skies!

Jesus said He went for us a special place to prepare

He will come again to take us to be with Him there.

There is no need to fear for God’s Word is true.

Christ will surely come and receive His chosen few.

He said He would come like a thief in the night,

Taking us to be with Him in heaven, oh so bright.

We don’t know the day nor do we know the hour.

Only the Father has that in His holy power.

Are you ready and do you watch and pray,

For the Lord to come and take His bride away?

If you don’t know Him call on Him today,

He will hear and answer when you sincerely pray.

Repent and believe that Jesus died for you

His precious blood cleanses through and through.

By faith you can be part of His glorious Bride,

Jesus will receive you to be by His side.

Oh Please don’t wait for this could be the very day,

When the Lord will come to take His Bride away!

Empty Cross – Empty Tomb

The Cross, now empty, tells a wondrous tale

Of lives that are saved from eternity in hell.

The Cross, now empty, was full that faithful day

For it carried our sin and shame far away.

It carried our Savior the One spotless Lamb,

How could that rugged Cross hold the Great I Am?

Yes, it carried us all with our guilt and our pain,

The Cross, now empty, tells our eternal gain.

The Tomb, now empty, tells a wondrous tale,

Of lives that are saved from eternity in hell

The tomb, now empty, was full that faithful day,

Buried with Him our “old man” lifeless lay.

Christ could not be held by death, hell, or the grave

He arose with those Keys all mankind to save.

Crucified and buried with Him, Yes, it’s true

With Him raised that we could have life brand new.

Lives once broken and empty, filled with shame

Are now filled with new life through Jesus’ Holy Name.

The Cross and the Tomb once full, empty now stand,

It is finished, completed by the Father’s loving hand

He Was Pierced for Our Transgression

Cruel were the spikes that pierced His hands and feet.

The thought of the pain He bore makes my heart weep.

The jeering crowd said, "If He is the Christ let Him come down!"

He saw His grieving mother with those He loved standing around.

Blood flowed from feet and hands; and from the thorns on His head.

The sin blackened heart of man made white in crimson red.

"Forgive them, Father", from His cross He cried,

"It is finished!" He yielded His spirit to God and died.

It wasn't the nails that held Him to that deadly tree.

It was His holy love poured out to ransom you and me.

The veil of sin was torn into just like the temple veil.

Now, in Christ we boldly stand, set free from eternal hell.

Christ's life did not end on that dark, fateful day.

Though He died on the cross, death could not hold sway.

Life burst the chains of hell as He came to life again.

He arose leaving in that dark realm all our guilt and sin

What Will I Seek?

There is no life so empty as one that is lived in vain;

Seeking for worldly riches and seeking worldly fame.

There is no life so wasted as one that for self is lived;

One that always seeks to get and never seeks to give.

Whom will I serve this day?  Each hour I must choose,

To serve Self or for God’s Kingdom my life to lose.

True riches, peace and joy fill the life of everyone,

Who hears God’s voice and follows His only Son.

Humbly Living and daily walking by the Master’s plan,

Gives  life much greater riches than anything this world can.

You Are Not An Accident 

You are not an accident; you’re here by God’s design.

He created you for His purpose so sublime.

You are God’s masterpiece, a precious work of art.

He has given every grace to heal your sin sick heart.

Each challenge in your life, God has worked together for good;

To produce in you the character of Christ as it should.

Do not be discouraged, at just the perfect time,

God will lift you to a higher place than you could ever climb.

Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others that you see.

Just trust God’s hand to make you all He wants you to be.

Your gifts, abilities, and talents are unique to you alone.

God has made you special, not someone else’s clone.

It’s not about your body; that lowly jar of clay,

But God’s glory shinning in you in full array.

Your His special vessel, it’s what He called you to be

His image will be formed in you for the world to see.

Oh, how God loves you, you’re the apple of His eye.

He gave you His greatest treasure; His Son who came to die.

Broken and lifeless, dead in sin, in darkness you were lost.

Now, in Christ you’re made alive, His precious blood, the cost.

God’s precious one, rise up and shine for His glory is on you.

This darkened world will be drawn to the Light in you they view.

You are not an accident; you’re here by God’s design,

You’re in His glorious Kingdom and His light in you will shine.

Words Spoken In Anger

Words spoken in anger are often spoken in haste,

Oh, the damage they cause is really such a waste.

How very important it is that we think before we speak,

In this thoughtful way we find the peace that we seek.

Let your words be with grace, seasoned with salt,

Then, you can answer each person as you ought.

The righteous study what their answer should be

Trusting Holy Spirit to help others to see.

A soft and gentle answer will turn away wrath,

It is the righteous that will walk this loving path.

Yes, the Lord may have you speak the truth in love,

But be sure that what you say is coming from above.

Words spoken in anger can only stir up strife.

But a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.

There may be times that you must suffer wrong.

Just trust in the Lord for you are never alone.

When bitter insults were thrown at our precious Lord,

And on Him reproaches and lies were angrily poured.

He humbly trusted Himself into the Father’s hand.

In the same Spirit we can too if that’s what life demands.

So choose the words you speak with loving care.

Don’t let your emotions become the Devil’s lair.

Words can be filled with dregs from a bitter cup.

Or words can be filled with grace to build others up.


Many doubts and fears come unbidden to my mind.

From the world sin crazed thoughts seek my life to bind.

Strife filled words fill the air, there’s so much anger and hate.

Just as in the days of Noah, so God’s judgment is this world’s fate.

Neglected, rejected and cast away, TRUTH has fallen in the street,

Deception proudly stomps it, under angry, arrogant feet.

But I will lift my eyes to Him who alone is worthy of trust.

I am raised with Christ, So seek Him I surely must.

Your hope must be in God alone, oh my weary soul.

He will be your Strength and Help as you press to reach the goal.

All the kingdoms of this world will one day pass away,

Your foundation built on Christ the only one to stay. 


In just a while the Lord, Himself, on a cloud will step out,

He will sound the mighty trumpet; He will give the mighty shout!

The bodies of the dead will rise to meet Him that glorious day,

Caught up, we who are alive will forever with Him stay.

So fret not yourself because the wicked flaunt themselves in pride.

Let your faith and hope rest in Christ, it is for you has He died.

So mighty warrior take your stand with His weapons in array,

Cast down those fear-filled lies of hell that seek your mind sway.

Stand strong in the Lord through His mighty power,

You have come to the Kingdom for this very hour

Sin Is Sin And Hell Is Hot

Sin is sin and Hell is hot!

Judgement is coming ready or not.

You may not like what the Bible has to say,

But it is God’s Word and the Truth anyway.

God does not want any to perish and be lost,

He sent His Son to die, His blood the cost.

Why would you reject His offer of free grace?

Would you be one of those to spit in His face?

If you choose you can die in your sin,

You can refuse to let the Savior come in.

Our Gracious God has done all that you need,

To free you from sin if you will only heed.

You see, in your sin you are lost and dead,

Without God, no hope, only Hell to dread.

Only through Christ can you have eternal life,

Though His blood be set free from sin and strife. 

You can receive the eternal life He will give.

You can choose not to die but to live.

Cry out to Him and turn from your sin,

He will cleanse you, His arms will take you in. 

Sin is sin and Hell is hot!

Judgement is coming ready or not.

The blessed Savior offers life full and free,

Will you receive Him to live eternally?


There Stands Between

There stands between my soul and eternal Hell,

A Cross and a Savior, the old story I must tell.


He willingly bore my sin, my pain, and my shame

I’m a new creation, born again in Jesus Holy Name.

He died that brutal death on that faithful day.

Redemption’s extreme price He has fully paid.

I am free by the blood of the Lamb,

An adopted son of the Eternal I AM.

The Father longs for those souls in sin still bound.

His hands of love will lift them to His holy ground.

Any who will receive His loving, gracious call

Will be cleansed, pardoned, and rescued from the fall.

Do you want to be loosed from sin’s awful chain?

Come to Him, He’ll set you free in Jesus Holy Name.

How Could Almighty God?

A Celebration of God’s Love

How could it be that Almighty God could care for you and me?

How could He lavish His amazing love on us so abundantly?

Oh He loved us when we were in the putrid stench of sin.

We had nothing to offer Him but brokenness within.

Dead in sin, hopelessly bound with Evil’s cruel chain,

We had no way to free our ourselves of our guilt and blame.

But God with grace looked beyond our wretchedness and shame;

He lifted us up to sit with Him on heaven’s highest plane.

Born of the Spirit and washed in Jesus precious blood,

Sin’s scarlet stain made white and clean as nothing else could.

We stand in His presence clothed in His righteousness alone,

As adopted son’s we come boldly before His throne.

What joy now fills our hearts as we worship our precious Lord,

For this glorious life we have that only His love could afford

What a Wonderful Savior Is Jesus

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus!

What a wonderful Lord is He!

He lifted me out of the darkness,

And set my weary soul free.

I wandered away in the darkness.

I stumbled and knew not the way.

Then my strong loving Shepherd found me,

And leads me in light all the day.

I walk with my Lord through the valley,

I drink from His cool mountain spring.

I’ve no fear with my Lord beside me,

I rest in sweet peace so serene.

The Lord is my strong, loving Shepherd.

He carries me all the day long.

I feed  in His lush green pastures

And in the night He sings me His song.

This Day I Am Given

I am given this life one day at a time,

The choices that are made will each be mine,

Choices have consequences, I must say,

Lord, give me wisdom for each new day

Regret for the past will come as a thief,

It will wrap me in shrouds of sorrow and grief.

“If only”;“I should have”; “I could have”; “ I wish”

My spirit will starve if I eat that bitter dish.

Each day brings fresh new mercies to me,

New opportunities, new blessings to see.

There may be laughter but there may be tears,

Open my ears, Lord, Your voice to hear

How shall I live this day I am given?

By what will I choose my life to be driven?

I choose to place it in God’s supreme hand.

His Word the foundation on which I stand,

May this new day with blessings over flow.

May I live each day in the Spirit’s glow.

May tomorrow’s bright hope fill me with joy .

May God’s amazing grace my life employ.

Pray Everywhere

(Done in the style of Dr. Seuss)

I am Sam and read today,

That men ought always to pray.

Timothy says to pray everywhere,

Would I actually dare?

Can I pray anywhere?

In a car or in a chair?

At night in my bed,

During the day in a shed.

Could I, would I at the mall

Will I really pray at all?

Do I have too much care,

To Lift my hands and make folks stare?

Can I lift hands up and out?

Without wrath, without doubt?

My mind reasons “Don’t be a fool-

People will think you’re not cool”

But God says I should pray,

And so I will this very day.

I will pray in my car and my chair,

I will pray everywhere.

Yes, I will pray in a shed,

And especially at night in my bed.

Even at the mall, I don’t care

Let them look, let them stare.

I am Sam and I will pray,

Yes, I will pray this very day!

Try it and you will see,

You will like it. It will  set you free.

Armchair Quarterbacks

Have you ever noticed how wise some folks seem to be,

Why, they know all the answers, just listen and you will surely see,

“This is the way it should have been done, not that way at all.”

Sadly, their wisdom comes after “the cow is out of the stall”.


Their hindsight is always a sharp 2020,

And If you will pay attention they will tell you plenty.

They’ve got the insight about how it should have been done,

They believe their wisdom superior to all, bar none.

There is a problem and it seems to me so plain,

Their wisdom comes when there’s someone else to blame.

I honestly feel that it is really such a shame,

These “armchair quarterbacks” never play in the game.

Pundits on Parade

How the pundits love to give their continuous speculations,

They fill the air with their note worthy verbal ejaculations.

They maul and squeeze each current event,

Until every facet is thoroughly spent.

But it is, in their minds, absolutely necessary,

To endlessly pursue each suspected adversary.

Else how would we, simpletons that we are,

Know what to think without a news anchor star?

Why we might, if we would take the opportunity,

Think for ourselves without their heartfelt importunity. 

Would it be terribly wrong or even un-American,

To think our thoughts without the guidance of a Newsman?

I think not, if I may be particularly bold to say,

Let’s turn off the news and take the time to pray!

God’s Gift of Music

Some enjoy the music of a violin, others prefer a fiddle.

In the greater scheme of things, the difference is very little.

Music has the amazing power to speak deep within.

It lifts us to the heights or bring us down as memory wheels spin.

The gift of music came from the heart God, He created everything.

He gave us music so our spirits could soar on worship wings.

Just as Sin corrupted man, Sin has corrupted music as well.

It can be distorted, and filled with the discords of Hell.

“Be careful little ears what you hear.” As children we sweetly sang,

 It’s still true some music can bite you with the Serpent’s fang.

 Let God redeem your music as He has redeemed your soul.

Will you  let Him have your iPod and your song list to mold?

Choose songs that are excellent and will focus your heart above.

Choose songs that will fill you with God’s amazing love.


Awesome, Awesome God!

Who is like our God?

He is glorious in His holiness

He is awesome in His deeds,

When His people praise Him.

Praise Him!

He sits on our praises enthroned.

He rules, He is God alone.

He laughs at His enemies,

He brings them down to their knees.

He is awesome, awesome God!

He stretches forth His righteous arm,

Delivering us from harm.

He wars in His power and might,

He is terrible in His armor of light.

He is awesome, awesome God!

He came in the form of a man,

Fulfilling all the Father’s plan.

He died on Calvary,

But He rose to victory.

He is awesome, awesome God!

His eyes are like a fiery flame.

He rules through His Holy Name.

His Word is like a two-edged sword.

He is the Almighty Lord.

He is awesome, awesome God.

He’ll come with a mighty shout.

 He’ll call all His people out.

Caught up in the air with Him.

 In His light all else will dim.

He is awesome, awesome God!


Asking “Why” in your darkest hour,

Is not the way if you want God’s power?

Even though bitter tears you may cry,

Strength is not found in asking “why?”.

If in your heart you desire God’s  peace?

Forget the “why” and let your faith increase.

In the times you can’t comprehend My hand,

If trust My heart, In My love you will stand.

I promise I am with you, I will be ever near,

Bringing you peace even through your tears.

My forever love is surrounding you,

I will hold you and see you through.


The Father’s Plan

God’s plan for victory looked like defeat

Jesus’ life had death on the cross to meet.


God’s spotless Lamb was offered that day,

                     The price of mankind’s sin to pay.


Beaten and bruised He hung on the cross,

         So the Father’s plan would not suffer loss.

In searing pain He whispered, “Father forgive...”,

           Though My death let them live.


“It is finished” at last in anguish He cried,

        He released His spirit and there He died.


In the temple was torn the Holy Veil,

Eternity split into Heaven or Hell.

Dead, He was buried in a borrowed tomb,

All seemed lost in darkness and gloom.

Then on the very first day of the week

 Life conquered death the victory complete!

Out of that grave came the glorified One,

Death and hell defeated by God’s Holy Son.

The price is paid for God’s great gift to you,

Accept it! His Life in you will make all things new

God’s Passover Lamb

“When I see the blood, I’ll pass over you”

In obedience Israel did what they had to do.

A little lamb bled and died that fearful night,

To deliver from Egypt’s grievous plight.

Free from the bondage where they were held

Egypt’s fury by the lambs blood was quelled.

They walked out with Egypt’s riches in hand,

None feeble or weak going to their promised land.

Silent - my tongue is struck dumb,

I envision the cross where God’s Lamb was hung,

On that faithful Passover so very long ago

Spikes and thorns made Precious, Holy Blood flow.

Slain in the spirit from eternity past,

Now completed on the cross at last.

The Blood of The Passover Lamb to our hearts applied

Freedom from sin, death, and hell has now supplied.

The death and loss of the Cross is not the end,

For our Holy Lamb in victory came to life again!

He rose victorious over death, hell, and the grave

He gave His Precious, Holy Blood all mankind to save.


His Blood so powerful and pure will never lose it power

The Blood applied to your heart it will save you this hour.

My Brother, My Friend

I have a friend who is closer than a brother,

He is a friend who loves me like no other.

He willingly gave His life that I might live,

It was the greatest gift that He could give.

He is unashamed to claim me as His brother, 

By His grace we share the same Heavenly Father.

He always makes time to meet with me,

Sharing His strength and joy so free.

Early morning, it is the best time of the day,

For me to open His Word and see what He will say.

His presence lights a fire in my longing heart

Giving me courage and each day a fresh new start.

My Brother, my loving and faithful Friend,

Will walk with me until this life comes to an end.

Then He will take me to that place like no other.

I’ll live for ever with my glorious big Brother

A Psalm of Gratitude

My heart is filled with Your Goodness

Precious Lord.

Your steadfast love and faithfulness

Comfort me.

I am weak and needy, yet You love me.

You strengthen me and satisfy the longing,

Of my heart.

Each morning I am refreshed. My heart and mind

Are refocused by Your Word.

Lord, I seek Your wisdom and strength

To live this day as would be pleasing to You.

I offer thanksgiving and praise for Your goodness

And the extravagance of Your love

This New Year

This is the first day of a brand new year,

Yes, there will be laughter but also tears,

“Happy” is the word on everyone’s lips.

I will make progress, but there will be slips.

The year is given one day at a time,

The choices that are made will each be mine,

As well the consequences I must pay.

Enough is the evil of each new day.

Regret for the past will come as a thief,

It will wrap me in shrouds of sorrow and grief.

“If only”;“I should have”; “I could have”; “ I wish”

I will starve if I eat that bitter dish.

How shall I live this day I am given?

By what will I choose life to be driven?

I choose to place it in God’s supreme hand.

It is the foundation on which I stand,

May this new day with blessings over flow.

May you live each day in the Spirit’s glow.

May tomorrow’s bright hope fill you with joy .

May God’s amazing grace your life employ.

At The Cross I Gaze

With awestruck wonder at the Cross I gaze.

I lift my hands and voice in joyous praise.

The precious, holy Lamb of God,

Took sin’s cruel judgment rod.

O the Blood that flowed that day,

Washed all my guilt and sin away.

The Prince of Darkness thought he did prevail

He thought he would hold God’s Son in Hell

But the chains of death were burst asunder.

The powers of hell fell back in wonder.

By the power of the Spirit He came out of the grave

With the keys of death and hell all mankind to save.

I’m a new creation born from above

Born from the Father’s heart of Love.

The wondrous Cross brought life to me,

Eternal life, abundant and free.

My Mama’s Hands

In loving memory of my mother, Ora Hughes - July 18, 1905- January 28, 1994

My mama’s hands were calloused and worn,

Caring for all the children she had born.

My mama’s hands were rarely idle or still,

Seeking always hungry mouths to fill.

I remember as a child no matter my pain,

My mama’s hand would make it all right again.

She could lay her hand on my fevered brow,

It was her love that made me better, I understand now.

My mama’s hands were busy both day and night,

Working for her family with all of her might.

When I look at my hands today,

I proudly see my mama’s hands on display.

He Who Calls The Stars By Name

He who named each heavenly star,

Loves us each with love greater far,

Than heart and mind can conceive,

We must simply trust His Word and believe. 

We are His workmanship, His work of art,

From conception He planned us; we were in His heart.

He placed upon us His gentle, loving hand,

Guiding us to His purpose our “Promise Land”.

His love our hearts with joy does fill.

Right now, stop and just be still,

Let the wonder of His amazing grace,

Fill your heart as you seek His face.

Our loving Lord is the Almighty God,

Who guides us with His staff and rod.

Our great God is a Sun and Shield,

With His Grace and glory our lives are filled.

In childlike faith trust Him when you call.

He will always lift you up if you fall.

He will hold you in His strong, mighty hand,

Giving you courage, helping you stand

He who calls each star by name,

Is yesterday, today, and forever the same.

Lift your eyes to the heavens and know,

That His love will never, never let you go.

I Long For You To Know My Touch

I have come to give you life,

To lift you from the sin and strife.

I long for you to know My touch,

To know I love you so very much.

Listen, you can hear My call,

Longing to be your All in All

Can you hear My loving voice,

Calling you My special choice?

It’s not because of what you do,

That caused My heart to long for you.

It’s From Who I Am deep within,

A love willing to die for your sin.

Let Me be your Savior and Lord,

And we will live in sweet accord.

Come let us share  this holy communion,

 Holy Spirit making us one in mystical union.

I love you with an eternal love,

Let your heart seek the things above.

Seek the riches of life in Me,

 life abundant as it is meant to be.

Just A Glimpse

I have had but just a glimpse,

               Of your glory, Precious Lord.

I have had but just a sip,

                Of the sweetness you afford.

The brightest  sun is no match,

                   For the glimpse of You I see.

Sweetest honey bitter in compare,

              To the Water of life given abundantly

Draw me precious Holy Spirit,

                     Into Your tender embrace.

Let the peace of your Presence,

                       Every fear and doubt erase

Cover me, Banner of Love,

                                  As I abide in Your secret place.

May Your glory fill my life,

                                As I see Your beauty face to face.

Living Water quench my thirst,

              With the grace only You impart

Only You can truly satisfy,

                         This deep longing in my heart.

I Want To Know You, Lord

Lord, You know me inside and out,

You know my faith and my doubt.

I long to know You in all Your ways,

To be sensitive to You and what You say.

You listen to me as I seek You and pray,

May I truly listen as You speak today.

May Your wonder ever fill my soul,

As I behold Splendor that can not be told

I long to walk in Your intimate Love,

To be filled with peace from above.

Fill me with Your nature Divine,

Knowing I am Yours and You are mine.

Precious child, listen as I speak,

I will help when you are weak.

Trust and receive the strength I give,

In My presence you will daily live.

Only You Can Fill My Longing

In my heart there is a longing that only You can fill,

As I seek Your Presence and before You wait, quiet and still.

When You came into my life and created me anew,

You put within me this desire I so earnestly pursue.

Only You, Precious Lover of my hungry soul,

Can feed me with Your love,  You’re my heart’s true goal.

How I long to come and rest in Your loving arms,

Quiet in Your Presence with no sense of alarm.  

Oh, to drink of Your sweet and boundless grace,

In awestruck wonder look into Your holy face.

Just to know that I am Yours, yes, Yours alone,

As Your bride a living part of Your flesh and bone.

Yes, You, Precious Lord, are my hearts true desire,

Oh fill me to overflowing with Your passionate fire.

Yours and Yours alone,  may I only forever be,

Filled with Your matchless love given so abundantly.


 I Am Yours

Just to know that I am Yours and Yours alone,

Cleansed by  Precious Blood, all my sins forever gone.

I am No longer dead in trespasses and sin,

I’m made alive in Christ and cleansed deep within.

I am raised to sit in heavenly realms with You, my Lord,

Blessed with all Spiritual blessings that Your grace can afford.

Empowered by Holy Spirit I am Your voice in this earth,

Offering Your grace to the lost with the gift of new birth.

It is not pride that would cause me to say,

Lord, I am Your vessel, made special in every way.

Oh, the wonder of this thought fills me with humble praise,

Gives meaning and purpose to my life, sets my heart ablaze

Could You, King of glory, desire me for Your own?

You gave Your precious, only Son to make me Yours alone.

Oh, how I love You, You are to me joy and life.

May I be Your hand lifting lost souls from sin and strife.

Lord, You do not desire that any one should perish,

Yes, each and everyone is a soul that You cherish.

Lord, You long for them in repentance to turn to You,

I will faithfully be Your voice calling them to life anew.

My Garden Heart

I long to plant in the garden of my heart,

Seeds of God’s Word that will His life impart.

I must carefully consider what I want to grow,

Because that is determined by the seeds that I sow.

Things that are true, honorable, and pure,

Things that are right and lovely, these will endure.

I must be alert to stubborn seeds of despair,

Growing weeds to fill my heart with fear and care.

Weeds that will choke out the precious fruit,

Must be forcefully pulled out by the root.

Yes, I must guard my heart with all diligence

I must daily tend my garden heart with vigilance

Precious seed will grow planted in my garden heart,

Providing a harvest of blessings if I do my part.

Yes, what I plant and cultivate is the vital choice,

Seeds of grace and glory bring a harvest in which to rejoice. 

I AM The Rock On Which You Stand

In this day of shifting sand

 I AM the Rock on which you stand.

Not one of My promises will fail

I have conquered both death and hell

Do not fear the schemes  of man

 I  hold you in My strong, mighty hand.

I have promised never to leave you,

And I will most surely  see you through.

Yesterday, today and forever the same,

Boldly declare that “My God reigns!”.

Difficulties may seek to squeeze you in,

But I will enlarge you time and again.

In Me you are complete and strong,

Do not let the enemy steal your song.

In My love let your roots grow deep,

I am with you, your soul to keep.

Yes, in this day of shifting sand,

Let me be the Rock on which you stand.

My Sheep Hear My Voice

“My sheep hear My voice”, the Word of God is true,

Jesus speaks, His mighty power to imbue.

I must seek to listen to what He will say,

As He desires to speak to me this very day.

Hearing God’s voice is normal for His sheep,

By His voice in His fold and care He will keep.

Be quick to obey when His voice you hear

Don’t harden your heart through doubt and fear.

To your own understanding do not lean,

Simply trust Him with a heart that is clean.

No Word from God is void of His power,

It releases His creative force for this hour.

You have been given ears to hear His voice,

Will you seek to listen and obey? It is your choice.


What Do I See In My Heavenly Father’s Eyes

What Do I See When I look Into my Father’s eyes?

I see Love unconditional that claims me as His prize.

Do I see a man, born again in Christ, a Creation that is new?

I am His workmanship created to worship Him in all that I do!

Do I see a man no longer dead in sin,  alive in Christ?

I am raised, co-seated with Him in heaven’s lofty heights.

Do I see a man redeemed from a life lived in vain?

By grace I am a man of purpose freed from sin’s chain.

Yes, all this and more reflected in the mirror of His Word,

By faith I receive that about which I once only heard.

I believe I Am what I AM says I am with all my heart,

I will seek in His love this life to others impart.

What do I see when I look into His wonderful face?

I see eyes shining with love and His glorious grace.

David Trusted God to Bring Goliath Down

Anointed to be king, yet David humbly watched the sheep.

In his heart he knew God His promises would keep.

One faithful day when by his father he was sent,

To take supplies to his brothers and see how the battle went.

He arrived just in time to the hear the mighty Goliath of Gath,

Make his boast against Almighty God, spewing out his wrath.

Have you seen this man who has come up to fill Israel’s army with dread?

He who kills him will be made rich and the king’s daughter surely wed.

Who is this unclean Philistine to defy the armies of the Living God?

I’ll remove this reproach and I’ll bring him down to the sod.

David knew from experience that God would be his stay.

A lion and a bear stealing sheep with their lives did pay.

David chose not to look on Goliath, but focused  on God instead

He declared that by Israel’s God he  would remove the giant’s head.

When Goliath looked and saw that David was nothing but a boy,

He cursed him by his pagan gods and  thought the sling was just a toy

Running to the giant, one small stone and his sling was all that he needed,

For mighty Goliath in God’s powerful NAME was thoroughly defeated.

Great victory was won that day by a boy who was a shepherd-king,

Because he trusted in the Living God who used his stone and sling.

So let your faith arise and let courage fill your heart,

God will bring down your giants if you trust and do your part.


Inspired by Revelations 5

O, worthy is the Lamb, the Lamb of Calvary,

Who gave His precious blood to set us sinners free.

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Who was slain and lives again,

Who was slain and lives again.

Before heaven’s throne a new song’s being sung

It's the song of the redeemed – every kindred, tribe, and tongue:

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Who was slain and lives again,

Who was slain and lives again.

We come before Your throne as Your holy priests and kings,

To lay at Your feet our lives: our offering.

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Worthy is the Lamb,

Who was slain and lives again,

Who was slain and lives again.


A Manger Bed His Throne

In the fullness of time from a virgin womb,

Came a babe, born in a stable, it was the only room.

Shepherds watching in the fields on that holy night,

Beheld the glory of angels shining oh, so bright.

Do not fear, I bring you good tiding of great joy

In the City of David is born a wondrous baby Boy.

This the sign: swaddling clothes and a manger bed,

In a a lowly stable where normally animals are fed.

But He is the Savior, The Christ, Messiah and King! 

Glory to God in the highest let His praises ring.

The shepherds said we must hurry this wondrous thing to see

They saw and they told all of the Savior come to set men free.

May we, as they, to all this wondrous story make known,

Of the King of glory who made a manger bed His throne


The serpent came to the Garden that day,

Seeking who would become his prey.

“Has God said?”, he asked with haughty derision.

Calling into question God’s lush provision,

Did God say, “You may not eat from every tree”?

Eve said “We may eat, the fruit abundantly.”

“But, one tree, I can not deny,

If we eat or touch it, we will die”

“You will not die ” said the evil one.

Using subtle lies to get his job done     

“You’re eyes will be opened to evil and good”

But the only evil, now, before her stood.

She saw the tree was pleasant to the eyes

Deluded she believed the the Father of Lies.

Of the forbidden fruit she did eat,

Adam ate and Satan’s task was complete.

The glory that covered them now was gone

They knew they were naked and alone.

They sought to cover their sin with leaves

Which could not sin’s awful guilt appease.

They died that day as God had said,

Not their body, but their spirit was dead.

Satan still works in the same old way

He’ll tell you his lies your heart to sway

Lies and deception to discourage and defeat

Lies and deception he will continue to repeat.

Satan fears what God has done

In sending His only begotten Son.

Satan fears the work of Christ in you,

He knows what in Jesus’ Name you can do.

You are who the Father says you are

Satan’s lies that image will seek to mar.

Don’t you listen to the father of lies

Don’t listen no matter how hard he tries.

Stand firm in who you are in Christ

No matter how subtly he seeks to entice


Don’t get caught up in Satan’s wicked game.

You must know who you are in Jesus Name

What God says in His Word is true.

The old is gone, all things are new